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翻译竞赛 - 江西省第十一届翻译赛参考译文
翻译竞赛  加入时间:2022-03-15  江西省翻译协会  


I. 英译汉





Foreign Trade in China

(1) With the rapid growth of Chinas economy in recent years, Chinas foreign trade has begun a number of new pragmatic and flexible practices in foreign trade policy, open door policy and foreign trade system.

(2) In the first place, Chinas foreign trade policy is coupled with Chinas domestic economic reform program. Import policy is aimed at acquiring capital that embodies the modern technology needed to develop Chinas economy. Chinas export capability is expanding due to the improvement of the importation of foreign capital, technology and management skills. According to the figures issued by the Chinas Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, the total value of imports and exports is increasing steadily.

(3) Next, the rapid growth of Chinas economy needs Open Door Policy. The key to this policy is to open China to inflows of foreign technology and foreign investment. Toward this end, China established special economic zones in 1979, where special incentives are being used to attract foreign capital and technology. Four such zones were set up, three in Guangdong Province, and one in Fujian Province.

(4) Thirdly, Chinas foreign trade system has undergone significant changes in the last few years. Although foreign trade is still carried out by the Foreign Trade Corporation, supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, chinas industrial departments and provincial and local enterprises have taken a more active role in Chinas foreign trade. Many of these organizations have established import and export corporations of their own, with the authority to conduct technical and commercial negotiations with foreign firms. Industrial corporations are responsible for their own profits and losses. Certain plants and factories are also permitted to have more contact with foreign firms and authority to negotiate sales contracts by themselves.

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