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翻译竞赛 - 江西省第十四届英语笔译大赛决赛试题
翻译竞赛  加入时间:2023-11-14  江西省翻译协会  

一、英译汉 (50分)

The train went on up the track out of sight, around one of the hills of burnt timber. Nick sat down on the bundle of canvas and bedding the baggage man had pitched out of the door of the baggage car. There was no town, nothing but the rails and the burned-over country. The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.

Nick looked at the burned-out stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there. It swirled against the log spiles(桥墩)of the bridge. Nick looked down into the clear, brown water, colored from the pebbly bottom, and watched the trout(鳟鱼)keeping themselves steady in the current with wavering fins. As he watched them they changed their positions by quick angles, only to hold steady in the fast water again. Nick watched them a long time.

He watched them holding themselves with their noses into the current, many trout in deep, fast moving water, slightly distorted as he watched far down through the glassy convex surface of the pool, its surface pushing and swelling smooth against the resistance of the log-driven piles of the bridge. At the bottom of the pool were the big trout. Nick did not see them at first. Then he saw them at the bottom of the pool, big trout looking to hold themselves on the gravel bottom in a varying mist of gravel and sand, raised in spurts by the current.

Nick looked down into the pool from the bridge. It was a hot day. A kingfisher(翠鸟) flew up the stream. It was a long time since Nick had looked into a stream and seen trout. They were very satisfactory. As the shadow of the kingfisher moved up the stream, a big trout shot upstream in a long angle, only his shadow marking the angle, then lost his shadow as he came through the surface of the water, caught the sun, and then, as he went back into the stream under the surface, his shadow seemed to float down the stream with the current, unresisting, to his post under the bridge where he tightened facing up into the current.

Nick's heart tightened as the trout moved. He felt all the old feeling.

二、汉译英 (50分)

2022年是难以忘记的一年,我们怀着无限的憧憬和想象,也遭遇着现实的不确定性与艰辛不易,过去一年我们似乎哪儿也没有去,但其实已经走了很远的路。每个人都经历了心路历程的成长,涤荡人心的是坚韧的勇气、往复不息的是不灭的希望。感谢每一位员工的付出,你们砥砺前行,是公司剧本的真正创造者; 感谢每一位伴随公司成长的股东,虽然经历着市场的动荡起伏,你们的理解与信任,是我们坚持价值成长的信心与基石。2022年,公司坚定“收入合理、盈利恢复”的经营原则,“再聚焦”与“再回归”,盈利改善,经营稳健,战略布局也迈出了新的步伐。

世界陷入喧嚣,各行各业都发生了巨大的变化。没有一种商业能永远保持高速增长,产业、经济、技术、全球化都有周期。只有少数公司能够持续成长、盈利和创造价值,我们如何成为那些少数公司之一,是我们要回答的重要课题。我们必须勇敢地和过去说再见,坚定的变革创新,在下一轮的博弈和竞争中建立优势,这是我们现在必须要做的唯一选择。 走过山重水复,方知大道至简。如作家加缪所说:“每当我似乎感受到世界的深刻意义时,正是它的简单令我震惊”,所有成功的企业都具备伟大的共性,每个衰败的企业都有不同的衰败原因.最简单的原则、规律和真理让这个世界生生不息的向前运行。企业经营最终要回归经营本质,坚守经营常识,保持现金流、产品能力和技术积累就是我们应该坚守的规律和方向



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