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翻译竞赛 - 江西省第九届翻译大赛决赛参考译文
翻译竞赛  加入时间:2018-07-30  江西省翻译协会  

               一、英译汉参考译文(50分) 亚历山大大帝常说,他用眼睛所发现的比其他国王用思考所领悟的更为丰富。他在这里所指的是旅行。一个国家的景致是任何地图都无法捕捉的。只有亲身游历,才能获得最透彻的了解。读再多的描述也比不上行一段路的见闻。有些人反对离开故乡;古罗马诗人克劳地安提出,能够生老病死于同一个教区是一种幸福。但是旅行绝对对人有好处。如果一个人从来没有见过自己故乡之外的土地,他的人生就像是被锁进了一只大箱子。那些博学、诚信、有旅游经历的人是人类中的精英,他们懂得用某一国家的美德来校正另一个国家的缺陷。意大利,英格兰、法国和西班牙就像是世界的庭院;德国、丹麦和中国就像是城市;那些没有领略过其中胜景的人,只能说见识有限。 但我认为并不是所有的人都适合旅行。旅行让聪明人更聪明,却让傻瓜更愚蠢,因为傻瓜什么也注意不到,只看到了大众景观、奇观异俗、愚昧行径;以及所参观的国家的种种缺点。一个旅行的傻瓜是所有国家的耻辱;他让自己的国家蒙羞,在国外的时候,行为举止失当;他令别的国家蒙羞,只染了一身恶习回到故乡。如果人们想通过旅行改善自己,应该对所看到的一切进行观察和评价,既注意到应该避免的缺点,同时也注意到可以利用的优点——如果不用笔把这些记录下来,走马观花,不会有任何收获。把想法落在纸上,大脑就会把它牢牢地记住。大多数人认识不到这样做的好处。谁能做到这一点,谁就能随心所欲地在小书房里重温走过的旅程。 如果能够不断从贵族士绅中精选年轻人,派他们在比较成熟的年纪出国接受教育,这对国家而言是件好事。让年轻人以这样的方式献身国家,这是父母能够做出的最好安排;也是年轻人最佳的晋升途径。毫无疑问,这些人在回国以后,能够更好地报效祖国,因为他们了解世界,精通外语,通晓人情世故。这些素质在制定政策以及进行谈判的时候,比书本知识更实用,虽然它没有书知识那么深邃广博。 到了国外,交谈的最佳对象应该是最优秀的人。选人不要凭眼睛,要考虑对方的声誉。学政治要到宫廷去接受训导;学做生意要在商人之间;学宗教要去找神职人员;学政府管理要去找律师;想了解这个国家,了解农村,村夫野汉是你最好的帮手。别忘了还有宝物珍玩,尤其是那些古董;它们向我们展示了旧时代的创造力,它们自身既是范本,也是准则。通过古董和现代发明之间的比较,我们能够看到世界知识发展的进程。 二、汉译英参考译文(50分) All the books I have are like my friends. They’re my close friends, indeed. I don’t know every one of them, but every one of them knows me. The moment I set foot in my study, all the books seem to be activated and they vie with each other in greeting me. I could almost see their hands waving to me and hear their voices saying “Hi” to me. If anyone asks me where the books’ mouths are or where their hands are, I will say, “You haven’t cultivated yourself well enough. Work hard and some day you’ll understand what I mean.” As I sit straight in my study, I forget all the troubles in the world and feel happy and pleased with myself. It seems as if only my book friends and I existed in the vast world and the even vaster space. The rippling water in the pond outside the window, the weeping willows, and the sunshine on the big leaves of magnolia all seem to have disappeared from my field of vision, although they are what I love most in ordinary times. The same is true of the songs of birds, one of which says “It’s good to be single.” They have lost their meaning though I hear their sound. Every one of my book friends embodies boundless wisdom. I have read only a small part of them, but I have come to deeply appreciate their wisdom. Now those unread books seem determined not to be left behind. Somehow, they exercise a mysterious force to release their wisdom, which rushes to me like waves. It’s a shame that I haven’t been able to cultivate myself long or well enough to become a person who has “eyes to see distant things and ears to hear distant sound.” As a result, I’m not yet able to absorb all the wisdom. If I were able to, I would surely become the smartest man in the world for all time. I’ll have to go on cultivating.

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