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翻译竞赛 - 江西省第十二届翻译赛试题
翻译竞赛  加入时间:2022-03-15  江西省翻译协会  


I. 英译汉(50分)

Hearth and Home

It was a phrase commonly on men’s lips in times past; until, that is, about fifty years ago. Why is it now so littleif at allused? And what are the implications of this?

It is hardly too much to say that in almost the whole of mankind’s historyfrom the very earliest times to the most recent period of the Second World Warthe hearth was the most significant center of the human home. From cave to castle to mansion to council house, a fire has been the warm heart of every household, every temporary camping ground protected by windshields or thorn bushes, every permanent settlement surrounded by stockades, every home in every community. It was hereround the fire, at the hearththat cooking, eating, drinking, and all the familiar festivities of families and kinsfolk were enjoyed. After their hunting, their labor, their forays into the wider world, which provided them with their livelihood as well as with challenges and dangers, men, women and children, old and young, gathered about the hearth, this one common center of momentary security, relaxation, leisure, and temporary happiness.

Who can doubt, too, that it was when men discovered how to make and use fire in their ongoing struggle for survival, that it was here that they began to invent and enjoy their stories, songs, dances, mimes, plays, and entertainments, but perhaps especially their stories. As the tiny fires of human knowledge and invention, presaging much of what was to follow, began to flare up in the long-endured vastness of the primeval darkness, families, clans and tribes, gathered about them, enjoying this new warmth, this new securityall the surrounding dangers now set at a safer distance. Within this new-bounded circle of firelit protection, the cumulative imagination and creation of human society began its long historical work of establishing a new world within the world of nature.

Light had broken on the long primeval darkness of the world. Now, as the sparks crackled upward and soared away to disappear into the great abyss of the night, as the yellow and orange flames winged their tapering and wavering beauty up into the black void, the bonds between those who belonged to each other in these small intimate communitiessharing the same conditions, problems and pleasures of lifebecame ever more deeply established and enriched, as their storytelling began: about the characters of the animals they hunted; the dangers, excitements, enjoyments of their hunting expeditions; the new things in the world they were continually discovering, and their new ways of dealing with them; the qualitiesserious and funnyof their own characters and those of their comrades; the awesome dreams they dreamedabout blood, birth, creation, fire, death. All the million manifold stories which slowly went into the establishment of human customs and cultures, grew about the shared fire now blazing with life at the center: the source of utility in the daytime, and of comfort, pleasure, and the delights and glories of imagination at night. In some such context of hearth and home, in some such ways, were born the basic sentiments of human civilization; were the primary and enduring values of human custom, the primary ideals of human nature established. And in such ways, too, they have long continued throughout the whole of human history.

(From Society, Nov. / Dec. 1993)

II. 汉译英(50分)








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