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翻译竞赛 - 江西省第八届英语翻译赛参考译文
翻译竞赛  加入时间:2016-11-15  江西省翻译协会  

I. 英译汉参考译文:











II. 汉译英参考译文:

A Long Bridge

(1) Translation is like a bridge with a very different climate and landscape at either end of it. Under the bridge, there lies a valley between steep mountains with a rapid stream flowing through it. Before the bridge is built, people on either side of the valley have for generations made no contact with those on the other. Hence, there have developed two different customs and habits, and two different languages and cultures.

(2) One day, people of the two sides, each with a different culture and custom, suddenly desire to communicate with each other. What can they do? A bridge of course has to be built in order to cross the valley. But who is to build it?

At last, a group of people naively offer themselves for the job.

Someone asks them, “Don’t you know you’ll have to go about this job earnestly and fear no hardship?”

(3) They nod their heads and answer with confidence, “we’re full of drive and not afraid of hardship.”

The questioner says again, “This profession you’re joining pays badly. And often you even have to work round the clock. Frankly, you won’t be fairly rewarded according to your labor.”

They answer, “We don’t want to get rich.”

(4) The questioner says again, “Don’t you know that none in this profession have ever become prosperous. You have to toil away in obscurity. If you want t go after fame and compliments, you had better not choose this profession.”

They answer again, “We don’t care for fame.”

(5) The questioner concludes with a sigh, “Ok, so you seek neither fame nor wealth. But mind you, you have to be very careful in doing this job. A solid foundation must be laid at each end of the bridge, lest the foot passengers should fall into the ravine, to say nothing of reaching the opposite side.”

Bridges are being built one after another. Knowledge spreads and cultures interflow. But who thinks of the bridge builders?

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