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翻译竞赛 - 江西省第十届翻译赛参考译文
翻译竞赛  加入时间:2018-11-09  江西省翻译协会  



唯有时尚应该左右舆论, 这种信念大有益处。这种信念使得思维成为多余的了,而且把至高的智力置于每个人可以企及的范围之内。情结虐待狂俄狄浦新中产阶级偏向左派,学会正确使用这类字眼并不困难;造就一位出色的作家和清谈者,再也不需要别的什么了。至少,其中某些字眼颇多地代表了发明这类字眼的人的思想;如同纸币一样,起初可以兑换成黄金。但对大多数人来说,它们已经渐渐地无法兑换了,而在贬值的过程中,思想上的名义财富却增加了。这样才能使我们蔑视历代的无足轻重的知识财产。

应该假定,具有现代头脑的人看待他的个人能力时非常谦虚,虽然他深信自己时代的智慧。他的最高希望就是,该想什么就想什么,该说什么就说什么,该感受什么就感受什么;他根本不希望思想比他的邻居更高明;说出更有见地的话,也不愿具有某个时髦族所不具有的情感,他的希望无非是在时间上领先一步。他处心积虑地压制他身上显示个性的一面, 图的是博得群体的赞赏。一种精神上孤独的生活,诸如哥白尼、斯宾诺莎或王政复辟之后弥尔顿的生活,依照现在标准来看,似乎毫无意义。于是哥白尼理应推迟提倡哥白尼体系,直到它能变得时髦起来;斯宾诺莎理应要么做个度诚的犹太人,要么做个虔诚的基督徒;弥尔顿则应该与时共进,像克伦威尔的遗孀那样,她向査理二世启齿索取养老金,理由是她并不赞同丈夫的政治主张。为什么个人要标榜自己是有主见的判官呢?智慧存在于北欧人种的血统之中,或者换言之,存在于无产阶级之中,这不是明明白白的吗?况且,无论在哪种情况下,一个标新立异的见解又有何用处呢?它决不可能指望战胜宣传的强大机构。


1. 汉译英

Famous Chinese Gardens

Chinese gardens, both picturesque and lyrical, distinguish themselves from other gardens in the world by successfully integrating architecture paintings, calligraphy and literature with garden design.
 Some Chinese gardens give priority to hills and some others to water. There are also gardens that emphasize hills with water as complementary scenery and gardens that highlight water with hills as supplementary views. Bodies of water are either gathered or distributed around the gardens while the hills look either plain or precipitous. Gardens excel in scenery and the scenery varies from garden to garden. Each of these gardens proclaims its own unique style. To appreciate them, visitors may take delight in having an in-position or in-motion view, that is, to view them from a fixed position or by simply wandering about. But while reflecting on the art of a garden, visitors should pay attention to whether or not the garden has made good use of the surrounding scenery, for this is what makes Chinese gardens so unusual.
  Most classical Chinese gardens are surrounded by walls that harbor the scenery inside. However, the scenery inside the gardens should be complemented by the scene from outside in order to stretch the space far beyond and to evoke a sense of infinity. This is what is known as "borrowing scenery”.

It is common for Chinese gardens to feature small gardens inside a large one, such as Xiequ Garden inside the Summer Palace, Jingxin Chapel inside Beihai Park, Pipa Garden inside Zhuozheng Garden and Yifeng Gallery inside Liuyuan Garden. This unique feature unites both the spacious and compact dimensions and keeps buildings of different sizes and structures in harmony with the hills and rocks, trees and flowers.
   The various scenes in Chinese gardens imitate natural landscapes. This artistic approach is known as Looking Natural though Man made. Although these scenes are not necessarily copied from a specific hill or lake, they are nevertheless reproduced in a way that loosely resembles the real object.
   In Chinese gardens, in addition to the arrangement of hills and rocks, trees and flowers, it is vital to have an ingenious setting for architecture; for example, to hide a tower in flowers and to erect a pavilion by water. Long corridors, undulating walls, winding bridges and lattice windows may also be employed to further enlarge the space and to bring distinctive multi-layers to scenes.

Gardens present different senses in different seasons. Visitors should lose no time to visit gardens when they are in a good mood with the coming of spring.

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